
October 2nd is The Final Day To Play Overwatch

In Order To Prepare For Overwatch 2, Blizzard is Shutting Down The Overwatch 1 Servers

The Final Day To Play Overwatch

We were told that both Overwatch and Overwatch 2 would live side by side together, but we recently discovered that there is only room for one. And now we know exactly when Overwatch Prime will stop working: October 2.

Jon Spector, the commercial head for Overwatch, revealed in an interview with Eurogamer that Overwatch prime will end on October 2nd and be offline for about 24 hours to make room Overwatch 2, which will launch on October 4th.

As a result, Spector said to Eurogamer, “October 2nd actually is the final day to log in and play Overwatch 1.”

Overwatch 2 introduces significant and long-lasting modifications to the game. Here is a list of stuff that will be gone from Overwatch prime in the remaining less than three weeks:

  • The game’s assault mode
  • The excitement of a 6-player earthshatter
  • A Space Jam
  • Before the gates at Hanamura open, trashing the arcade
  • Observing players attempt to overcome this gap and fail
  • Moreover, this

While you still have time, play some sweet, sweet assault matches.

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He is a simple guy who likes to write about gaming and anime in his free time or else he could be seen playing with his dog or spending quality time with nature.


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