
Here’s everything new in Overwatch 2 Beta

Here’s everything you need to know about recently released Overwatch 2 Closed Beta

Everything new in Overwatch 2 Beta
Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 PvP closed beta released just recently, and it brought a number of exciting new heroes, maps, and modes to the popular online shooter’s sequel.

Overwatch 2 was first revealed at Blizzcon in 2019, however since then information has been limited. Let’s take a look at everything there is to know about Overwatch 2 and its 5v5 and tank changes, maps, heroes, and more. When it was revealed at Blizzcon 2019 that a sequel was in the works, fans went wild. So here’s everything you need to know about Overwatch 2 Beta so far.

Note: If you want to try out Overwatch 2, Here’s how to get access to closed beta!

Let’s have a look at the Overwatch 2 Trailer

Overwatch 2, sees a new band of familiar faces take up arms once more to fight the Omnics. It depicts a group of robotic foes laying siege to an unprepared Paris before being thwarted by our Overwatch Heroes.

New Game Modes

  • New PvE mode

The game’s narrative-based single-player content will be the most significant addition to Overwatch 2. It appears that players will join together to battle their way through Omnic-controlled cities, while also having to plan assaults and adjust to their foes.

The narrative is a new development for Overwatch fans, and maybe we’ll see the option to build unusual combination attacks. Many fans believe that the franchise has never quite satisfied a need like it initially did at launch, this PvE mode will probably fill that void.

  • New mode “Push”

The sequel adds a new “Push” game mode for the multiplayer side of the hero-based shooter. The symmetrical map type pits players against their opponent to control a central robot that must be pushed towards the opponent’s base.

 Overwatch 2 New Heroes

One of the primary advantages of the sequel is that we’ll see some new characters enter the fight.

Sojourn, also known as Vivian Chase, was a former member of the Canadian military who was recruited into Overwatch Program. She is now playable in the Overwatch 2 beta. People have noticed that she has a lot of potential, but it may be difficult to use her well because she relies on clever positioning and good mechanics.

Her arsenal is made up of a variety of weapons, but she specializes in the Railgun, which fires a single strong blast that passes through foes and causes collateral damage. Also, Ashe and Roadhog recently got a makeover as well.

Tank role changes with 5v5 gameplay

The game’s first major change was that matches will now be 5v5, which has been one of the most divisive aspects revealed in the game. The shift is a significant departure from the current two roles split, which has been the center of the game for years. What this implies is that combat gameplay will only feature two damage, two support heroes, and one tank. This implies that tanks are changing from what they have been; instead of firing straight ahead with their primary weapon, they can charge a blast and then shoot it at range with an alternative fire.

Overwatch 2 Gameplay

We’ve seen a slew of images hinting at various different things ahead of the newest Overwatch game.

The ‘talents’ progression system, for example, is one where players can improve each hero’s abilities and power as they complete co-op missions. This is a near-Heroes of the Storm approach that many gamers have been looking forward to.

Everything new in Overwatch 2 Beta
Image: Blizzard Entertainment

The gameplay showcased in the above trailer also provides hints as to how these co-op missions will work, with players appearing to band together in groups to face off against swarms of Omnics. The underlying idea remains the same, however, and while we do see some tantalizing glimpses of new maps and heroes, it appears that Overwatch’s fundamentals will remain largely untouched.

New Maps in Overwatch 2

The following are the new maps available in the Overwatch 2 beta:

New York City

Everything new in Overwatch 2 Beta
New York City Map / Image: Blizzard Entertainment


Everything new in Overwatch 2 Beta
Toronto Map / Image: Blizzard Entertainment


Everything new in Overwatch 2 Beta
Rome Map / Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Rio de Janeiro

Rio De Janeiro Map / Image: Blizzard Entertainment


Gothenburg Map / Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo Map / Image: Blizzard Entertainment


Everything new in Overwatch 2 Beta
India Map / Image: Blizzard Entertainment

The New York and Rio De Janeiro maps have been confirmed as hybrid, meaning they’ll prioritize Assault play while one team works to capture a point at the start, before changing into an Escort if the initial checkpoint is captured.

Push will be the focus of both Toronto and Rome, although a possible second game mode may be announced in the future.

We don’t know if these new maps will take the place of former Overwatch maps, be used in the same playlists as them, or if there will be more playlist choices that just have specific locations cycling.

Let us know below how you feel about this Overwatch 2 Beta!
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He is a simple guy who likes to write about gaming and anime in his free time or else he could be seen playing with his dog or spending quality time with nature.


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