
Discord changed its font, here’s how to revert back

Discord changed its font to ‘GG Sans’ and the users are not happy, however there is a workaround to get old font back

Discord changed its font, rollback to old one

Discord announced that its users will be able to use a new font typeface named ‘gg sans’ starting December 1 and the change appears to have taken effect. Although not every user is pleased with the little updates.

The new typeface ‘gg sans’ will be used on everything from the Discord mobile as well as desktop to their blog and website. This codename was chosen to honor the gaming community as well as the origins of Discord. The abbreviation ‘gg’ stands for ‘good game’ and is frequently used on the app.

ThatSirWaffles, a Reddit member, posted a nice comparison shot for anybody interested in reviewing the changes. The new font GG Sans has a considerably curvier typeface than Whitney, the old Discord font.

One Reddit user brawaru pointed out that the new font doesn’t support Cyrillic letters, thus messages from users who use such characters show in a disorganized tangle of font shapes and sizes. The same sentiments were expressed by LeahIsUltraGay, a dyslexic Reddit member.

Hopefully Discord will pay attention to the comments of individuals who are experiencing difficulties and include a choice to revert to its Legacy typeface. Since Discord appears to strive for excellent user-experiences and customization, there’s really no reason not giving an option to change fonts.

Here’s how to revert back to the old Discord Font

There doesn’t appear to be an official way to revert/rollback the font at the moment, However, /u/nice username on Reddit appears to have discovered a solution in this thread.

Warning: Do this at your own risk before continuing! If you screw up or modify anything you shouldn’t have, we’re not responsible.

Follow these steps to rollback the discord font (You have to do this each time after restarting discord):

  1. In Windows, open a folder, type “%AppData%/Discord/” into the area that indicates which folder you are in, then press Enter.
    Discord changed its font, rollback to old one
  2. Open the ‘settings.json’ file with Windows Notepad, Right click > Open With > Choose another app > Notepad.
  3. Add this key / value to the settings data (copy everything):
  4. It will look like this:
    Discord changed its font, rollback to old one
  5. Save the file and re-launch your Discord Application
  6. After opening, Press CTRL + SHIFT + I to open the inspector
  7. Down in the “Filter” box, type “gg”, it will show –font-primary as “gg sans” and other fonts as well.
    Discord changed its font, rollback to old one
  8. Change the “gg sans” to “Whitney”, it will look something like this:
  9. That’s it! The font will revert back to the old one. If this guide helped you, please follow us on our socials for more such guides, till then see you next time!

Why did Discord Change its Font to “gg sans”?

Discord posted on their blog, “Discord will begin updating the font across all of its surfaces to our new, custom font, gg sans. Everything from the Discord mobile and desktop apps to our website and blog will use gg sans as their typeface. This change gives Discord the flexibility to customize our font going forward so that we can continuously provide you with the best experience on Discord.”

We hope that the developers would pay attention to their users and provide additional font-related updates. That being said, we’ll update this article if anything new occurs.

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He is a simple guy who likes to write about gaming and anime in his free time or else he could be seen playing with his dog or spending quality time with nature.


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