
Apex Legends will be available exclusively only 10 countries on iOS and Android

Apex Legends will be available exclusively only 10 countries on iOS and Android

EA has not released the list of countries, but the game will be available in some of this limited regional launch that will take place in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, and Colombia. Available exclusively in 10 countries on iOS and Android

The game is free to download and play, and it does not require a subscription.

Apex Legends is a very popular game, and it is likely that the game will be very successful on mobile devices. The game is free to download and play, so it is likely that many people will download the game. Apex Legends will be available exclusively in 10 countries on iOS and Android

By:- EA

Apex Legends Mobile will have a limited national release in ten countries, according to EA. It’ll begin next week and continue through the spring.

You’ll be able to play it on Android and iOS. You’ll need at least Android 8.1, as well as 3GB of RAM for Android. On iOS, you’ll need an iPhone with iOS 10 installed, an Apple A9 processor, and at least 2GB of RAM.

Minimum Requirements

For Android:

  • Android 8.1
  • Open GL 3.0 or higher
  • 3 GB free space
  • At least 3 GB RAM
  • Screens size: N/L/XL

For iOS:

  • iPhone 6S or later
  • OS version: 10.0 or later
  • CPU: A9
  • 3 GB free space
  • At least 2GB RAM

Players will be able to play as Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Wraith, Bangalore, Octane, Mirage, Pathfinder, and Caustic during the limited beta.

In the global release, the creators will extend support for more devices and add additional material.

For More Such Post click here.

He is a simple guy who likes to write about gaming and anime in his free time or else he could be seen playing with his dog or spending quality time with nature.


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