
The Root of Nightmares raid guide in Destiny 2

The Root of Nightmares raid guide in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Root of Nightmares raid guide

Looking for a comprehensive guide to Destiny 2’s latest raid, the Root of Nightmares? You’ve come to the right place! Our guide covers everything you need to know to start the raid, including Power requirements and recommended gear and loadouts. We also provide detailed explanations for each encounter, so you can navigate the raid with ease. Our guide will be updated from the launch of the Root of Nightmares raid on March 10, 2023 at 10:30 IST until it is completed. To jump to the relevant section of the raid, simply use the links provided below.

Last Updated: 11th March 11:30PM IST

Gamer VIP’s Root of Nightmares Day 1 Raid attempt

Note: To ensure you have the most up-to-date and accurate information on the Root of Nightmares raid, please note that this guide is a work in progress and subject to updates as our own raid team figures out the mechanics. We will constantly update the guide over the first few days of the raid, so check back regularly for the latest information.

Root of Nightmares – Day 1 Raid! – Twitch

Rules for the Day 1 Root of Nightmares Raid Race

When the Root of Nightmares raid is released, it will come with a special mode known as Contest Mode, which is commonly implemented with newly released raids to provide a more challenging experience for players. During this 48-hour mode, players are limited to 20 Power below each encounter, with the maximum Power capped at 1780. Completing the Root of Nightmares within the 48-hour period and claiming the associated Triumph will award an emblem. The first team to successfully complete each encounter, loot the final chest, and return to orbit will earn the title of World First and receive a wrestling-style belt, with one for each member of the six-person fireteam. Apart from Contest Mode, players who complete the raid before March 21st can purchase Root of Nightmares themed raid jackets and raid pins, making it a must-try experience for all Destiny 2 enthusiasts.

First Encounter – Cataclysm

Upon reaching the start of the first encounter, divide your fireteam into two teams: an add control team consisting of four players, and a node and orb team consisting of two players. The node and orb team will hop into the nearby node and shoot the orb to begin the encounter, granting all players a Sweeping Terror debuff that will wipe you in about 35 seconds, and a Field of Light buff for the team of two standing in the aura of the node that will time out in about 15 seconds. The Field of Light buff can only be gained by two players who shoot the orb inside the node. The other four players will be responsible for Tormenter and add control.

During the first encounter of the Root of Nightmares raid, the team assigned to control adds must locate and eliminate two Psions using melee attacks within their bubble to spawn a Tormentor. Defeating the Tormentor will add extra time to the Sweeping Terror debuff, preventing a wipe. Failing to kill the Tormentor before the Sweeping Terror timer reaches zero will result in a full team wipe. The add control team must prioritize killing Tormentors and Barrier enemies to prevent the Sweeping Terror mechanic from ending the encounter.

Consider splitting your node and orb team into two players. Have Guardian 1 shoot the first orb to activate it, gaining the Field of Light buff for themselves and Guardian 2. Guardian 2 should then locate and shoot the second orb, connecting the first two nodes and losing the buff. The third node is hinted at by the second node, and Guardian 1 should refresh their buff by shooting the first orb and proceed to the third node to shoot the orb and connect it to the other nodes. Repeat this process until the encounter is finished.

Second Encounter – Scission

The goal of this encounter is to go back and forth the gap and connect the nodes to activate a piston that grants passage to the next level. To complete this encounter, split the team into two groups of three players, with two players always remaining on their side while the third jumps back and forth using the pistons.

The remaining two players are responsible for clearing enemies quickly, including immune enemies that can only be damaged when you have the Field of Light buff. Once all nodes on one level are completed, the team can move on to the next level and repeat the process until all three levels are finished.

It is helpful to assign one of the two players responsible for clearing enemies to shoot and activate the node to collect the Field of Light buff. This player should activate the node on their side while the Buff Runner is on the opposite side, allowing for a quick exchange of the buff. When the Buff Runner confirms the other node is active, the other player should grab the buff, move forward to the next node, and activate it, ensuring a smooth and efficient progression.

After crisscrossing the gap and connecting all nodes, a final Major enemy will spawn. Defeating it will activate the last piston, allowing access to the next floor. Clearing all three floors is necessary to complete the encounter.

Third Encounter – Macrocosm

The planetary puzzle encounter requires players to swap planets to the opposite side of the room, align three planets in the middle, and stand on the correct plate to damage the boss. To start, divide the team into pairs to swap planets and have the remaining players clear enemies. Defeating a Colossus will reveal the odd planet, which can be interacted with and then swapped with the other player’s corresponding position.

Divide your team into pairs, with two pairs swapping planets on each side, while the other two players clear enemies. Defeat Colossus enemies to reveal which planet is the odd one out and dunk it on the opposite side of the room (See the below image and give corresponding odd planets callouts and swap with that position). Once all four planets are swapped, they will switch positions and “planets indexed” will appear.

root of nightmares raid third encounter map
The Root of Nightmares Raid Third Encounter Map / Image: cosmic_irony

Defeat more enemies to reveal the three middle planets and call out their colors. Collect planets with the corresponding color and take them to the correct plate. For instance, if the left planet is white, collect a planet on the left side and interact with the left plate. Once all three planets are in place, clear enemies, and prepare for the damage phase.

During the damage phase, the boss will approach with a glowing white or dark shield. Quickly stand on the corresponding plate to deal damage. Make sure to deal enough damage to hit the notch in its health bar, otherwise, the next plate won’t be fully activated. The shield color will alternate each damage phase, so be prepared to switch plates accordingly.

If you successfully hit all three plates, the encounter will reset, and you must start over. It’s crucial to deal enough damage to progress through the encounter.

Final Encounter – Nezarec

The Nezarec, Final God of Pain encounter requires players to create two connections of nodes – one on the left and one on the right – known as the Field of Light and Flux of Darkness nodes. Once both connections are established, a damage phase will begin.

During the encounter, Nezarec will move around the battlefield and players must stun him by shooting his chest. Failing to stun him will result in a team wipe, which can only be survived by standing in a Darkness’s Refuge or Light’s Refuge. These refuges can be created by taking a Field of Light to a dark node or a Flux of Darkness to a light node, respectively.

To start the Nezarec, Final God of Pain fight, players should assign specific roles to each member of the team. One player should focus on creating the Field of Light connections on the left, while another should make the Flux of Darkness connections on the right. Two players will be responsible for clearing enemies on both sides, while the remaining two players will shoot Nezarec’s weak points and chest and clear any nearby enemies.

The Root of Nightmares Raid Final Encounter Map
The Root of Nightmares Raid Final Encounter Map / Image: cosmic_irony

Once both connections are completed, players should group up on a platform and deal damage to Nezarec’s chest. It’s important to stun him by shooting his chest, or else he will perform a team wipe. If stunned successfully, Nezarec will be blasted with a beam of light and the damage phase will begin. Players should use weapons such as Gjallarhorn and Legendary Rockets with Izanagi’s Burden Sniper Rifle and utilize Starfire Protocol Warlocks with Fusion Grenades to deal damage. Divinity can be used by one person to debuff Nezarec. Once he goes immune, reset positions and repeat the process.

During the next rounds of the Nezarec, Final God of Pain fight, it is crucial to crack Nezarec’s chest faster. The time between the chest activating and closing becomes tighter, which leads to Nezarec reaching his wipe mechanic more quickly. To avoid this, a Refuge should be created.

To create a Refuge, you must identify the color of Nezarec’s shoulder when it breaks. If it glows dark, you need a Darkness’s Refuge, which can be created by taking a Field of Light buff to a Flux of Darkness node. If it glows light, you need a Light’s Refuge, which can be created by taking a Flux of Darkness buff to a Field of Light node. This will protect you from Nezarec’s team wipe mechanic.

If Nezarec’s final stand is reached, players must quickly lower his health to avoid a wipe. Saving Heavy ammo or using a one-and-done Super can be effective in this phase.

Looking to conquer the challenging Root of Nightmares raid in Destiny 2 and claim its enticing rewards? Look no further than our comprehensive guide, which covers everything from starting the raid to recommended gear and loadouts, as well as detailed explanations for each encounter. We’ll be updating this guide regularly with new weapon recommendations and ideal strategies, so be sure to check back often. And if you’re looking for help with other raids, check out our Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple raid guide for even more tips and tricks.

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He is a simple guy who likes to write about gaming and anime in his free time or else he could be seen playing with his dog or spending quality time with nature.


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