
The No Man’s Sky Outlaws update improves space combat

The No Man’s Sky Outlaws update improves space combat

The new free patch for No Man’s Sky adds squadrons and squad-mates you can improve, as well as a significant rework of space combat. Being able to create a new system that makes you feel less alone and more like a travelling band of warriors is great. The assistance appears to be helpful, and the additional space effects seem to be as spectacular as promised.

The No Man's Sky Outlaws update improves space combat

The Outlaw update lets you do things like smuggling goods and creating illegal cargo. You can also set up customs scans and ways to avoid the authorities. Being a space trucker is more exciting now because you can be an illegal space trucker., You can also visit unprotected Sentinels stations if you’re so inclined.

Outlaw stations appear to be a mix of risk and reward for bold gamers, hosting black marketplaces, various technology vendors, and unique purpose agents.

A number of other modifications and improvements have been introduced with Outlaw, including the introduction of shields for extra safety. This also includes a re-balancing of starship weaponry, allowing you to create unusual effects like stealing shields to boost your own, knocking out opponent engines, or just increasing your damage when targeting the correct defensive type.

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