
Steam Provided An Update on Anti-Cheat on Steam Deck

The Update list of Steam Deck

It’s been about a month since the Steam Deck officially began shipping, with Gaben himself personally delivering some of them. Valve is keeping its fans informed on development progress and future plans as more than a handful of units are in circulation.

The developers shared plenty of information, including their anti-cheat efforts, improving the on-screen keyboard, and goals to increase the Steam Deck’s battery life, to name a few. You may see the full press release and update video below.

Deck Verified: 2000 strong and growing

We’ve just hit a major milestone, with 2000 games now verified or playable in only one month. It’s been fantastic to watch players of all sorts try out different games – old or new, big or little, from every genre – and have a good time on Deck. We’re excited to share our progress with you and can’t wait to show you the next major milestone in our journey through the Steam library. We’re also paying attention to consumer comments in this area since we want to make sure Deck Verified is effective. That’s why we’ve included a Feedback function so consumers can let us know if they believe or not that a book has been verified.

Anti-cheat progress

We’re committed to offering a secure gaming environment for our users, which includes supporting as many titles on Steam as possible, including those that use anti-cheat technology. Thanks to the combined efforts of developers, service providers, and Proton contributors, we’ve made substantial progress in bringing these games to the Steam Deck community. The two most popular anti-cheat solutions, BattlEye and Easy Anti-Cheat, now have a simple procedure for developers who want to enable Proton and Steam Deck support. Elden Ring and Apex Legends are two video games that are taking advantage of the new technology.

Steam Store and your Library

We’ve spent some time improving the Steam Store on Deck. We also understand that navigating through libraries can be challenging if you have a large number of games, so we’ve made it simpler with fast scrolling. We’ve also added the ability to build dynamic collections in your library based on tags and other game elements.

…and connecting you to games beyond Steam

We collaborated with Microsoft to bring Xbox Cloud Gaming to Steam Deck users via the Microsoft Edge browser, and community members helped create the Edge Flatpak that enables it on Steam Decks. We worked with the Chrome team to provide native support for Edge so that it may be detected directly by websites, which is necessary since it supports only the Chrome API.


We’ve also enhanced the on-screen keyboard experience since then. Dual trackpad typing is now accessible, the game mode keyboard is now accessible in Desktop mode, and we’ve added a slew of new keyboard designs to choose from.


Improving battery life for Steam Deck is always near the top of our priorities. Depending on what you’re doing, you may expect between 2 and 8 hours of gameplay, but there are additional choices if you want to maximize battery life even more. We just added the option to lower your framerate all the way down to 15 frames per second in the last month (this setting is ideal for visual novels, riddles, and a lot of simulation games). For those who enjoy tinkering, we’ve made TDP (processor power), GPU Clocking control, and FSR (screen scaling) settings available to fine-tune performance even more.


You can now install Windows 10 (and soon, 11). We’ve been working with AMD and other partners to further improve Windows Drivers. Windows 11 can be installed once beta support for TPM is released. The last thing we need to do before releasing Windows 11 is work on the audio drivers. We hope to have good news about that soon.

Did we mention it’s a PC?

Since the release of Steam Deck, we’ve seen people utilize it as their main desktop and work computer; people use it to code and 3D model, and the community has even begun to create software specifically for Steam Deck.

Planes, trains, and automobiles

Buses, parking lots, and so on are all examples of places where people use Steam Deck to keep them occupied (or happily diverted) while commuting, waiting, or during their kids’ after-school classes. We can’t wait to see where you take yours next.

Speaking of what’s next (for us): More to come

We’re always seeking new ways to increase your Steam Deck experience, which means we’ll continue to listen to your comments. If you are having difficulties with your Steam Deck, please let us know in the forums (we’ve also included a fast link to this in the Quick Access Menu).

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