
Scam Explained: Discord Name and Shame

Discord Name and Shame Scam Explained, What is it? and How to Protect Yourself

Many of the scams are quite similar in design and execution, but every so often one emerges that is both clever and diabolical, making you wonder how anyone could have come up with it.

The Discord name and shame scam will be discussed in this post. This fraud is clever enough that you must continue reading.

What is Discord Name and Shame Scam?

A few days ago, we started seeing instances of this fraud appearing on the internet. Since then, many people have written about it, concerned as to whether the message they received on Discord is genuine or not. Here are some more examples:

Discord Name and Shame Scam

Discord Name and Shame

The message reads:
heyy ummm idk what happened or if its really you but it was your name and the same avatar and you sent a girl erm ** stuff like what the fuck ? <URL> check #exposed and youll see. anyways until you explain what happened im blocking you. sorry if this is a misunderstanding but i do not wanna take risks with having creeps on my friendslist.”

In both of the above examples, as well as all of the others we’ve seen, the content of the communications remains consistent. It’s intended to scare potential victims into clicking on the Discord server invite. Based on how little variation there is in the message’s content, it’s reasonable to assume that it’s working effectively.

It’s not difficult to see why it would be so successful, either. It can be potentially devastating for individuals to be involved in events like these. Regardless of whether they believe it’s unlikely that they’re caught up in such a mess or not, many people will find themselves strongly tempted to accept the Discord invitation — especially since it came from one of their friends! Or at the very least, it appears this way…

How Does the Discord Shaming Server Scam Work?

The following are the details of how the scam works:

A scammer compromises a victim’s Discord account and sends out a name and shame Discord message to everyone on their buddy list. Because it appears to have been sent by one of their friends, the recipients are far more likely to believe it.

When a victim clicks on the Discord invitation button, they must “verify” their Discord account by scanning a QR code. The scammers will also have access to the victim’s account if they scan the QR code, and they will subsequently distribute name and shame spam messages to all of the victim’s Discord pals, generating a snowball effect.

The attackers are able to do anything they want with the hacked accounts since they are not being monitored. They may possibly send out different sorts of fraud messages, such as Discord Nitro scams or cryptocurrency scams, to the victim’s friends.

How to Protect Yourself From this Scam?

The first thing you should do if you’re a victim of the Discord name and shame scam is change your password. If your Discord account was linked to other social media profiles, consider unlinking them. You may delete connections in the Discord app by going to Settings > Connections.

Here are some suggestions for avoiding scams like these:

  • Be wary of any intimidating communications or messages that urge you to take action, even if they appear to have been sent by your friends or relatives.
  • Don’t scan suspicious QR codes. Scanning them might result in your account being hijacked.
  • If you haven’t already, activate two-factor authentication (2FA) on your account.

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He is a simple guy who likes to write about gaming and anime in his free time or else he could be seen playing with his dog or spending quality time with nature.


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