
Now you can request Google to remove personal info from Search results

Google has extended options for maintaining personal information private through online searches

request Google to remove personal info
Image: Reuters File Photo

Google announced on Friday that users will be able to ask that further types of material, such as personal contact information like phone numbers, emails, and physical addresses, be removed from search results. The new policy also allows the removal of other data that poses a risk for identity theft, such as secure log-in credentials.

The Company Said “Privacy and online safety go hand in hand. And when you’re using the internet, it’s important to have control over how your sensitive, personally identifiable information can be found,”

How to Request Google to Remove My Phone Number, Email, Or Other Information?

Google has set up a new webpage and form to enable users to ask for material to be deleted.

  • If you’re new to this, begin by visiting this page and making sure “Remove information you see in Google Search” is checked next to “What do you want to do?”
  • Then select the information’s location: either in Google search results and on a website, or just in search results.
    • The page description or cache, for example, could simply be out of date if you’re looking at just search results – that is, material that has already been removed from a website. This route will only take a few steps and then provide Google with the outdated URL to remove, according to the company.
    • Google recommends first contacting the site’s owner to have it completely removed from the internet if information is still live on a website, because blocking it from Google may still allow it to appear elsewhere on the internet. The firm has details and advice about how to contact a webmaster in order to request modifications on a website.
  • If you’ve already contacted a webmaster or don’t want to, Google allows you to continue. Choose whatever option is most appropriate for you from the drop-down menu, then choose what you’d like to delete: “Personal information, such as ID numbers and private papers,” for an email or phone number. Then go down the list and make another more specific selection.
  • Finally, Google offers a form where you can disclose the specifics of what it is being asked to delete and why.
  • You should receive an automated email notification once a request is submitted.

The Reason Behind Google Allowing People to Remove Search Results

Previously, Google to request that highly personal data that might be harmful be deleted. Doxxing — uncovering and publicly publishing someone’s personal information in an effort to cause harm — is one example of this type of data.

Google stated that allowing customers to post their personal contact information on the web might be a hazard, and it had received requests for the option to delete it as well.

When a company receives such a request, it will evaluate all of the material on the web page to ensure that useful information is not restricted or that public record material on government or other official websites is not deleted.

“It’s important to remember that removing content from Google Search won’t remove it from the internet, which is why you may wish to contact the hosting site directly, if you’re comfortable doing so,” says Google

Google emphasizes that results will not be automatically removed, but there should be an apparent or implicit threat of abuse for the request to be considered. On the form, Google states that it “has no legal responsibility to respond to this request.”

What type of results has Google allowed users to remove from their search results?

Previously, Google Search allowed users to request that highly personal information that might cause immediate harm be removed. “Doxxing” and personal information that could be used for fraud, such as bank account or credit card numbers are major examples.

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He is a simple guy who likes to write about gaming and anime in his free time or else he could be seen playing with his dog or spending quality time with nature.


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