
How to farm Manifested Pages in Destiny 2

Where can you find the Manifested Pages in Destiny 2 Festival of Lost 2022?

Destiny 2 manifested pages

Festival of the Lost 2022 in Destiny 2 took several elements from its own predecessor, such as the addition of Spectral as well as Manifested pages as event elements. They play an important role in the event’s activity cycle, and Destiny 2 players who are familiar with the game’s currency will recognize where the Spectral & Manifested pages belongs during the event though if they missed Festival of the Lost 2021.

Collecting Spectral Pages is the quickest way to gain Manifested Pages. You can obtain these by participating in Festival of the Lost events such as Public Events, Crucible as well as Gambit matches, or Strikes while wearing the Festival of the Lost masks. You must bring enough Spectral Pages into a Haunted Sector to convert them to Manifested Pages, which you will then turn into to the Book of the Forgotten. After eliminating at least one Headless One within the Haunted Sector encounter, your Spectral Pages will become Manifested Pages.

How to Farm the Spectral Pages in Destiny 2 Festival of Lost 2022?

To get the ideal Spectral Pages farm in Destiny 2, you’ll need to do something swift. In our case, we’ve been farming the Atrium Lost Sector at Trostland, which is among the game’s smallest and is located next to a landing zone. This is applicable if all you want to do is farm Spectral Pages.

Having said that, you can also collect Spectral Pages by participating in other activities that appear in event challenges. If you’re playing Strikes, for example, you can complete both the “Strike the Deck” as well as the “Occult Ritual” event challenges to get Spectral Pages.

How to Change Spectral Pages into Manifested Pages?

After you’ve loaded up on Spectral Pages, use some Festival of the Lost power to transform them into Manifested Pages. To convert the Spectral Pages in Manifested Pages, you must complete Haunted Sectors.

When completing a Haunted Sector, you’ll come across summoning circles, which are an important component in the game. When you and your crew step onto a summoning circle, a progress bar will begin to fill up, similar to when you seize control of a plate inside this Vex-based public events at Nessus or either Glimmer Harvesting public event.

When the circle fills up, stand inside it to spawn a Headless One, and eliminating it will manifest a few of your Spectral Pages. More Headless Ones defeated in a Haunted Sector equals more Manifested Pages at the end, so take out as many as you can. Headless Ones would spawn more frequently as you progress through the activity, so kill them swiftly for greater rewards (but remember to keep a little ammo for the huge boss at the finish).

After completing the assignment, you should obtain some Manifested Pages, that you can hand in to Eva Levante’s Book of the Forgotten in the Tower.

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He is a simple guy who likes to write about gaming and anime in his free time or else he could be seen playing with his dog or spending quality time with nature.



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