
Season of Seraph ‘Unclaimed Challenges’ Flashing Bug in Destiny 2

Here’s why the Seasonal Challenges tab is Flashing Unclaimed Challenges in Season of Seraph Destiny 2

Unclaimed Challenges Flashing bug Destiny 2

Season of the Seraph in Destiny 2 has finally arrived, which means players can earn new rewards from the season pass as well as level up the seasonal artifact. Completing the game’s weekly seasonal challenges is a great method to do both.

At reset each week, these challenges unlock in batches and award XP, some gives weapon, and Bright Dust — a free-to-earn currency which allows players to purchase premium items in a rotating section of the store.

Why is Seasonal Challenges Flashing with “Unclaimed Challenges”?

Unclaimed Challenges Flashing bug Destiny 2

The seasonal challenges tab is most likely flashing due to an upcoming seasonal challenge in week 5. According to a Reddit user RenierZA, the ‘Quick Heist’ challenge is set for week five on the well-known third-party BrayTech website. This challenge requires players to finish a Heist Battleground in under 12 minutes. Because players can already do that (some Guardians like to speedrun), the game is probably going to count this as completed, even though you can’t claim it until week five.

Even though being frustrating, the bug does not appear to interfere with seasonal challenge completion, it’s just you now have a pending Destiny 2 challenge, but you can’t redeem it just yet. Based on previous speedrun challenges, this will most likely be time limited as well, as BrayTech’s tracking indicates.

How to fix the Seasonal Challenge tab Flashing in Destiny 2?

Because this is a Bungie issue, players will most probably have to wait for a patch or wait till they can redeem this specific seasonal challenge that is causing the flashing bug. The indicator won’t stop flashing, so ignoring it is the only option for now unless, Bungie issues a fix.

This isn’t the first time a bug like this has happened in Destiny 2. In Season of the Lost last year a week 10 seasonal challenge was completed before it was unlocked, which meant that players had to sit tight until the challenge had become accessible before redeeming it, for whole 10 weeks. So, this is considerably better, right? This was also marked as a known issue but was only fixed on the week 10 when the seasonal challenge unlocked for all players to claim.

Destiny 2 is on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox one, and PC. All of our recent posts of the game are available right here.

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He is a simple guy who likes to write about gaming and anime in his free time or else he could be seen playing with his dog or spending quality time with nature.


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