
Google Hangouts is no longer on the Play Store and Apple App Store

Google is removing hangouts from the Play Store and Apple App Store

Google has removed the original Hangouts app from the app stores. This program is no longer accessible on Google Play or Apple App Store, and it does not feature in search engine results. People who have already downloaded the app to their phone may continue using it. But, most likely, their days are numbered as well.

Bye Hangouts, You will be missed!

Google has announced that instead of classic Hangouts, they will be replacing them with Google Chat for Workspace customers.

Google Hangouts is no longer on the Play Store and Apple App Store
Credits: Google

9to5Google noticed the switch first, reporting that Google would remove the old Hangouts mobile apps in a few weeks. The transition began when Google discontinued the the app for new iPad and iPhone users. It was subsequently accessible to Android customers, which was removed by Google later on.

Also Read: Google Issues a Warning to Billions of Chrome Users

Google Chats is the New Hangouts

For a long time, Google has spoken about replacing Hangouts with Google Chats. In March, it had announced that Workspace (formerly G Suite) users would be switched to Google Chats in October 2019. However, the multi-stage migration plan did not start until 2020 as planned.

Google Hangouts is no longer on the Play Store and Apple App Store
Switch to Google Chats

Google has made several improvements to Chats and Spaces this month. An upgrade for Gmail users on Android introduced new status bar symbols that aid in determining whether a message has arrived via Chats or Spaces. Previously, the Chat (one-to-one conversations) and Spaces (like Slack or any other business platform) were identical. Now, the display icons for both will differ with the new upgrade.

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He is a simple guy who likes to write about gaming and anime in his free time or else he could be seen playing with his dog or spending quality time with nature.



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