
Apex pros lash out at EA for the “low-quality” LAN PCs at ALGS Stockholm

Apex pros lash out at Electronic Arts for providing “low-quality” PCs worth $1 million at the ALGS Stockholm LAN

After being informed that the high-end PCs intended for use at this weekend’s $1 million Stockholm LAN would not arrive in time, several Apex Legends pros expressed their dissatisfaction on social media today.

The tournament organizers made an effort to obtain quicker PCs based on the higher stakes event’s poor specifications, as reported in previous sections of this article. On April 21, Shahin Kanafchian, an EA employee, revealed on Twitter that the new computers would feature RTX 3080 graphics cards and 11th generation Intel i7 processors. The pro community was relieved by the change, seeing it as proof that their issues had been acknowledged.

The upgraded PCs, which were supposed to have been delivered today, were marked as “not available in time for the tournament.” Instead of using RTX 3080s, pros will be forced to manage with the original computers, which are powered by RTX 2070s. Many people believe that they are outdated systems that will struggle to run the game on high settings.

In many cases, the reversion to the less powerful PCs means that players are practicing on gaming rigs in Stockholm that will outperform the hardware at the event this weekend.

Given the numerous processing-intensive visual effects in the crowded late-game regions of professional Apex, it’s quite probable that the tournament PCs will suffer from lag and stuttering during these crucial moments. Even if the computers operate smoothly, even if good setups are used, Pontus Bengtsson, who is in charge of the EMEA team Alliance, warned that poor configurations may hinder player performance at LAN.

The Stockholm LAN begins on Friday, April 29, at 3am CT with the group stage. The finals will be broadcast starting at 9am CT on May 1.

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