
AMD confirmed GPU Drivers overclocking your CPU without a warning

AMD confirmed GPU Drivers overclocking your CPU without a warning

Users who run both a Ryzen CPU and Radeon GPU began reporting difficulties with their CPU BIOS settings being modified after some initial complaints were made. AMD has confirmed to Tom’s Hardware that a bug in its GPU drivers might be responsible for Ryzen CPUs overclocking without warning or permission.

AMD confirmed GPU Drivers overclocking your CPU without a warning
Image: AMD

“We are aware of an issue in the AMD software suite that is adjusting certain AMD processor settings for some users,” an AMD representative said in a statement sent to Tom’s Hardware. “We are investigating the issue and we’ll share more information as soon as we’re able.”

This problem has been addressed in the Adrenalin 22.4.1 release notes, which state that it is a known issue. “Ryzen CPU Overclock settings may be changed after resetting or importing a profile from Radeon Performance Tuning Options.”Affected users discovered that their Ryzen CPUs were being overclockend automatically, a function that usually comes with a caution requiring users to acknowledge the overclocking would void the CPU’s warranty. The problem was linked to AMD’s Adrenalin GPU drivers, which were updated last year to include a Ryzen Master module that allows consumers to overclock their CPUs from the same interface.

AMD confirmed GPU Drivers overclocking your CPU without a warning
AMD user interface Image: AMD

Overclocking may have a variety of detrimental consequences for a system, especially if it consists of low-end components. Overclocking can also cause stability problems, such as an increased risk of BSODs, and might result in overheating.

AMD is currently investigating the issue, and users have already devised their own solution by eliminating Ryzen Master from the Adrenalin GPU driver using Radeon Software Slimmer.

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